
  • 10 min reading

5,500 units ColorrijkWonen digitized

KleurrijkWonen is a housing corporation with more than 15,000 rentable housing units, garages, parking lots and commercial spaces. All these units need to be managed so that they can be used safely, healthily and with pleasure. KleurrijkWonen has divided the property into three parts. One part will be managed for the next 7 years by Nijhuis Bouw and Wolters Vastgoedonderhoud.

Photography and LiDAR data

In order to know completely and accurately what this property consists of and the condition of the property, Nijhuis Wolters digitally recorded the units in Aespect. Using photography and LiDAR data, all objects have been digitized in Aespect. In Aespect, the data are measured and then converted to, among other things, a detailed 3D model with linked inspection photos.  

The data in the software consists of various features, such as location and color, which are valuable for dimensioning and inspection. The user can access this 24/7 and convert the model into information himself, for example, by automatically incorporating it into an MJOP. All stakeholders can access this source data and so work can be coordinated.

Digital inspection in accordance with the NEN2767 standard

Once the 3D model and source photography were published in Aespect, the property inspector could get to work extracting numbers and quantities of building elements from the data. The defects were then identified based on the photos. The inspector records the findings in Aespect, in accordance with the NEN2767 standard. Each defect is thus given a location in the 3D model. This allows the contractor to see exactly which defect needs to be fixed in the (near) future.

With all building elements and defects clear, the inspector was able to take the next step and create an MJOP. KleurrijkWonen chose to import the data into O-prognose, after which the MJOP was drawn up. But it is also possible to draw up the MJOP in Aespect itself. The advantage of this is that you can determine maintenance actions in a dynamic dashboard, plan inspections ahead and easily monitor the condition of the property.


After a project duration of 9 months, KleurrijkWonen now has 5,500 digitized homes. This digitized exterior clearly shows per address which building elements it consists of and which defects were present at that time. With this data, KleurrijkWonen can perform large-scale analyses per street, neighborhood, village or type of object.


Project duration

9 months


ROC Close Prox, no CTR

Parties involved

KleurrijkWonen, Wolters Property Maintenance, Nijhuis, Plan4It, Aeroscan

Technical detail

5500 vhe, ~1200 fully annotated homes

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