Cultural heritage inspection?

Specialized digitization of monuments for inspection & management

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We produce this data from the monument


Van elk object dekkende inspectiefotografie met <1mm detail.

Point cloud

Of each object 100% covered geometry as a point cloud or 3D mesh.

Measurement State

Of each object a complete decomposition of facade and roof into building parts.


Quick scan of defects present in the property that can be checked by consultant.

Here are the benefits of inspecting via Monuscan

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PC shows Aeroscan's software platform version Monuscan with Rijksmuseum in 3D.

Minimize hazardous work at height

Thanks to the use of drones, dangerous work at height is minimized within the project. We have a nationwide network of drone pilots to collect data quickly and effectively.

Digitize down to the smallest detail

Our cloud-based software processes all collected photography in a pipeline into photo-realistic digital twins of the property and accurate point clouds in 3D.

Outsource time-consuming work

We have a team of trainee structural engineers who remotely segment objects into building components via our web-based software to simultaneously learn and produce data.

Inspect from behind your desk

Give inspectors and structural engineers access to the web-based Aespect application to identify defects and record actions in accordance with NEN-2767.

This is how we make a digital twin of a monument


Shooting with drone photography

Met een drone worden lastig bereikbare plaatsen zoals daken, achtergevels en hoogte fotografisch vastgelegd met een detailniveau van <1mm.


Generation of 3D Digital Twin

From a photogrammetric calculation comes an accurate point cloud, which is a geometric representation of the building.


Annotation of defects and building components

Using AI and useful tools, building parts are captured in the point cloud and photography and defects are linked to them.


Digital inspection in accordance with URL

Het digitale gebouw reflecteerd tot op <1mm de actuele conditie van het monument, deze is volledig digitaal vastgelegd. Een inspecteur kan hier vervolgens via Monuscan software een volledige inspectie op uitvoeren en de resultaten rapporteren.

3D digital twin of blokhuispoort in Leeuwarden.
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Most Frequently Asked Questions

What types of objects can be digitally inspected?

Our software and data is suitable for inspection and maintenance services for all property types, including residential, commercial and industrial buildings.

How does the inspection process work?

The inspection process begins with drone pilots taking aerial photographs of the property. The images are then processed using sophisticated software to identify problem areas. Consultants can then use our software to prepare detailed reports and recommendations in accordance with applicable standards such as NEN-2767 and the latest URL for monuments.

What kind of data is provided?

Through our solution, various data are produced, including aerial photos, 3D models and detailed measurements of the property. Based on this, condition scores and MYP are produced by consultants, based on the findings of the digital inspection and measurements.

How will data be protected?

At Aeroscan, we take data protection and privacy very seriously. We use industry-standard encryption and security protocols to ensure that data is secure at all times. Read more about our privacy policy in our privacy statement.

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