
Centipede Kilian speaking

Some people do not allow themselves to be captured within a job title. An example of this is Kilian. In the 4 years he has been on board at Aeroscan, he has held many different roles and functions. "Recently I have embraced the role of Customer Success, but there is one constant factor that runs as a common thread through all functions; supporting our clients in their projects."

What does that mean, customer success? 

"In my role at Customer Success, I'm actually full-time supporting Aespect users. I provide training, I help with onboarding, I write tutorials and I create newsletters. I am also the first point of contact for the software team. In my work, I encounter many things from the practical experience of our users. I use that input as the basis for improvement proposals."

What event from the past 4 years stands out to you the most? 

"That was my involvement in a very special assignment - the drone recording of the beating heart of the Dutch railroad network, Utrecht Central Station."

Can you tell a little more about that? 

"Of course. In addition to our usual drone inspections, I was responsible for capturing marketing photos. What made it extra unique was the fact that we had access to the roof of Utrecht Central Station, really a place you would normally never be able to get to. The view and the feeling when I looked out over the city was truly unique."

That sounds like a very special project

"It was, but the best project I worked on remains the Rijksmuseum."

Oh, tell

"This assignment was special because of the unique circumstances." Thanks to special permission, we had the opportunity to fly in Amsterdam, something previously unthinkable because of strict regulations. Due to the pandemic in 2020, there was less flying over Amsterdam. "This gave us the opportunity to perform the drone inspection in this iconic location."

What appeals to you most about your work at Aeroscan?

"I've had the opportunity to do a lot of great things, but I still find it especially fascinating to see how our technology really impacts the lives and operations of clients." 

For example, one time I was with a client to teach a course. This client was responsible for inspections of huge office buildings with complicated facades and hundreds of windows and frames. Their usual approach was to deploy window cleaning trays so that inspectors could inspect every square meter of the facade in two weeks. Very labor-intensive and time-consuming, to say the least. 

With our drones and software, we were able to collect detailed data that eliminated the need to manually inspect the entire building. From weeks in a window cleaning bucket to a drone recording in a day! The staff that previously spent days hanging on the facade could now be used much more efficiently for other tasks. I think that's really cool."

Impressive! Do you think the impact could be even greater in the future? 

"Yes, absolutely! We are working on implementing Artificial Intelligence tools that help select and segment building components. This is a job that is currently done manually and takes quite a bit of time. In parallel, we are also working on AI tools to speed up inspections. If we can use AI effectively here, it will save a lot of time. So even faster inspections, even more efficiency and even more value for our customers!

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